Common Myths About Home Retrofitting Debunked

In recent years, home energy upgrades have gained significant attention in Ireland as homeowners are looking to improve the energy efficiency, comfort and health of their homes. However, along with increased interest came misinformation and myths about retrofitting. Addressing these myths is important for homeowners considering these upgrades to make informed decisions. Let’s together debunk some of the most common myths about home retrofitting in Ireland. 

Myth 1: Retrofitting is Expensive and Not Cost- Effective

One of the main myths about home retrofitting is that it’s always expensive to retrofit a house in Ireland and doesn’t offer a good return on investment. While it can be true that some retrofitting projects are costly to get to a very high standard, there are a lot of houses that do not need a big investment. 

Improving insulation, changing windows and doors and installing a heat pump can all contribute to lower energy usage and reduced maintenance costs over time. 

Additionally, SEAI grants are available to offset some costs, making retrofitting more affordable. 

For more information on retrofitting costs and fees, book a  free  consultation now with our retrofit advisors to explore your retrofitting options.

Myth 2: You will need to move out of your house

Many homeowners can be a bit hesitant to start their retrofit journey due to concerns about having to move out during the works. However, 90% of Electric Ireland Superhomes customers do not move out of their homes during a whole house retrofit. Our contractors plan their work to reduce any impact on the daily activities of homeowners. In a recent case study, one of our customers provided us with incredible feedback about our work: 

“When I was initially going for this home retrofit, I did hear stories that your house would be for four weeks untidy and unliveable. I didn’t find that. The installers tidied up after themselves. They put things back into place. And we were here for the full four weeks.” 

Myth 3: Retrofitting is Only for Older Homes

It’s a common misconception that only older homes benefit from retrofitting. While older properties often have greater room for improvement due to outdated building standards, newer homes can also benefit from retrofitting. Many modern homes may only need one or two energy measures like Solar PV and insulation with a heat pump to get to that A rating and qualify for enhanced grants through the One Stop Shop Programme. 

Myth 4: Retrofitting Only Consists of Adding Insulation

Improving insulation is a fundamental measure of home retrofitting, but it only represents one aspect of a comprehensive approach to enhancing energy efficiency. A whole house approach involves carrying out a number of energy upgrade measures at the same time to achieve a warmer, more comfortable, energy efficient home with a BER rating of between B2 and A1.   

Electric Ireland Superhomes’ retrofit philosophy is based on the view that a home is an interrelated and interdependent energy system. Draughty doors will result in heat loss no matter how efficient your heating; and even in a well-insulated house, some rooms might be cold if the heating system is badly designed. 

For this reason, an Electric Ireland Superhomes home energy upgrade looks at the overall effect of a combination of energy measures, which are designed in such a way that they work together successfully. 

Myth 5: Retrofitting Doesn’t Improve Home Value

Some people believe that investing in retrofitting does not add value to their property. On the contrary, energy-efficient homes are increasingly desirable in the market due to their lower operating costs and reduced environmental impact. 

In a recent study conducted by the SCSI (Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland), 69% of agents said they believed BER ratings are an important or very important influence on the level of offer made on a property.  John O’Sullivan, Chair of the SCSI Practice and Policy Committee said that while they started out initially as a mere footnote on property brochures, they were now front and centre in buyers’ thoughts.  

Home Retrofitting is essential for homeowners in Ireland

Despite these these common myths about home retrofitting, we can confirm that home retrofitting is essential for homeowners in Ireland who are looking to make their home warmer, more comfortable, healthier and energy-efficient.  

For more information on how to get started with home retrofitting, book a free consultation now with our retrofit advisors to explore available grants in Ireland. 

Retrofitting Your Home for Better Comfort and Health

Is your home damp and cold? Are you concerned about your health and looking for ways to make your home cosier and healthier? Our team at Electric Ireland Superhomes can help you understand the benefits of retrofitting and what recent studies reveal about its health benefits.

Assessing your home’s needs

The first step of a retrofit journey to a warmer, more comfortable and healthier home is to book our free consultation with one of our Retrofit Advisors. They will have a phone call or a Zoom call to assess your home’s needs, this phone call or online call will help evaluate your current energy performance and assess your home’s needs in the future.

We handle all key stages of your retrofit, from initial design through to managing SEAI grant funding. Our network of leading contractors and retrofit advisors ensures the highest quality retrofit for your home.

Here are our 7 steps to a Superhome:


After a consultation with our retrofit advisor, a home survey can be arranged. A full BER analysis will be provided and an examination of your building fabric and heating system will be conducted, providing you with the best possible options for your home.

Understanding the Benefits of Retrofitting

With all recommendations and information in hand, you will be able to make an informed decision about your retrofitting journey and when to start it. Understanding the benefits of retrofitting is an important step to moving forward with your project. We often hear from customers that they are not entirely sure of what benefits they will experience when their retrofit project is complete. 

Recent studies, such as the Warmth and Wellbeing project, highlight significant health benefits from home energy upgrades in Ireland. The Warmth and Wellbeing project was established to examine how energy efficiency upgrades to homes can improve the health and wellbeing of people living with chronic respiratory conditions.

The research shows that the installation of home energy efficiency measures throughout the 3-year study resulted in beneficial effects for the health of the householders.

The positive effects of retrofitting the home included, for example:

  • Improvements in respiratory symptoms
  • Improvements in physical functioning
  • Improved mobility and reduced pain
  • Fewer GP consultations and hospital visits

For mental health and wellbeing, among other benefits, the evaluation found:

  • Reductions in anxiety and depression
  • Reductions in the psycho-social effect of respiratory diseases, and
  • Improvements in emotional wellbeing

Participants also reported:

  • Large improvements in thermal comfort
  • Greater satisfaction in their ability to control the temperature of their homes
  • Being more comfortable inviting others to their home.

Case Studies and Success Stories

We feature on our website a couple of case studies, showcasing the hundreds of houses we helped to transform. Our most recent case study shows Greg’s house transformation. Greg lives in a 1950s semi-detached house in Dublin. Following a deep retrofit with Electric Ireland Superhomes, his home went from a cold D2 BER to achieving the top BER rating of A1.

Homeowner Greg in front of his house

Describing his motivations to transform his home through a heat pump led home retrofit, Greg explains ‘I wanted to do something for the planet and to change to a modern heating system’. Achieving an A1 BER rating on this 1950’s home has stunned Greg who says he was ‘surprised, amazed and astounded’ with the final result.

Another customer featured on our website is Sarah Collins. Sarah’s house was transformed from a cold damp bungalow with a BER rating of F to a modern, open, energy efficient A2 rated home.

These projects are a fitting example of the benefits of retrofitting an existing house, resulting in a warmer, more comfortable, and healthier home with reduced carbon emissions.

Creating a healthier and more comfortable home

As a One Stop Shop, Electric Ireland Superhomes’ experienced team looks after all the key stages of a home energy retrofit, from retrofit design, through to contractor selection, project completion and management of SEAI grant funding. Our aim is to provide quality assurance, peace of mind, and, when the retrofit is complete, the best home possible.

Not only are you creating a healthier and more comfortable home, but other benefits to your home’s energy efficiency include a warmer, cosier home with a consistent temperature and instant hot water, increasing the property value.

Future-proofing your home is easier than ever with Electric Ireland Superhomes and the significant grant funding available through SEAI.

To start your journey to a healthier and more comfortable home, book today a free consultation with a member of our team. They will be in contact with you to understand your needs and provide you with the information you need.

*The full Warmth and Wellbeing report is available on the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications website.

Understanding the SEAI Home Energy Grants

What are SEAI Grants?

SEAI grants are payments offered by the government to support your home energy improvements, such as insulation, installing heat pumps, solar panels and upgrading windows and doors. These grants help you plan and manage your energy upgrades.

For more information about SEAI Grants, book a  free  consultation now with our retrofit advisors to explore your retrofitting options.

Types of SEAI Grants

There are three main types of SEAI home energy upgrade grants available for home energy upgrades:

  • The One Stop Shop Service provides grants for a complete home energy upgrade, including windows and doors and a bonus payment of €2,000 if you install a heat pump. The homeowner only pays the net amount after grants are deducted.
  • The Individual Energy Upgrades offers smaller, individual grants for a limited number of home energy upgrades. The homeowner pays the cost upfront and is reimbursed the value of the grant by the SEAI. The homeowner manages the project themselves.
  • The Fully Funded Energy Upgrade is for homeowners who receive certain welfare benefits, such as fuel allowance. For more information, please visit the SEAI website.

Energy-efficient heat pump installed as part of a home retrofit in Ireland by Electric Ireland Superhomes.

Here is some detailed information about the Individual Energy Upgrade grants and One Stop Shop grants. Compare the options to see which works for you.

Individual Energy Upgrades

Who this is for: Homeowners and private landlords who want:
  • To upgrade their homes on a step-by-step basis
  • To manage their own project
  • To select a contractor from the SEAI Register
Grants Available:
  • Attic insulation
  • Heat pump
  • Wall insulation
  • Solar thermal
  • Heating controls
  • Solar PV
Criteria for homes: For homes built and occupied before:

One Stop Shop

Who is this for: Homeowners and private landlords who want:
  • Multiple energy upgrades
  • To upgrade to a minimum B2 BER
  • A fully managed solution including grant application support
Grants Available:
  • Windows (Complete Upgrade)
  • External Doors (Max. 2)
  • Heat Pump Systems
  • Central Heating System for Heat Pump (radiators, pipework)
  • Heat Pump Air to Air
  • Heating Controls
  • Heat Pump Bonus
  • Solar Hot Water
  • Attic insulation
  • Rafter insulation
  • Cavity wall insulation
  • Internal wall Insulation
  • External Wall Insulation
  • Floor Insulation
  • Solar PV
  • Mechanical Ventilation
  • Air Tightness
  • Home Energy Assessment
  • Project Management contribution
Criteria for homes: For homes built and occupied before:
  • 2011 for insulation and heating controls
  • 2011 for renewable systems
  • All homes must complete a minimum level of energy upgrades and achieve a minimum BER rating of B2

One Stop Shop Grants Amounts

Solar panels on the roof of Greg's home, a satisfied customer of Electric Ireland Superhomes' home energy retrofit services in Ireland.

Individual Energy Upgrades vs One Stop Shop

Starting your home energy upgrade journey will transform your home, but you might wonder what the best way to do it is: get it done all at once or on a separate, step by step basis?

Individual Energy Upgrades are generally more affordable, but you will have to manage projects separately and source your own contractors.

The One Stop Shop service offers a wider range of grants, including window and door grants and a heat pump bonus, and the project management is taken care of. Because all the work is done at once, there is less overall disruption. It also provides upfront grant deductions and financing options like the Low-Cost Home Energy Loan.

How to claim the SEAI Grants?

 Individual Energy Measures:

You will be responsible for the entire process. The SEAI website has a step-by-step guide showing you how to plan the project, including grant applications.

One Stop Shop:

Step 1: Contact the One Stop Shop – you can fill out our enquiry form on our website. Our Retrofit Advisors will be in touch to start your journey to a warmer home.

Step 2: Home Energy Assessment: A Home Energy Assessment gives you, the homeowner, a fully detailed and costed retrofit plan. SEAI offers a standalone grant of €350 for this Home Energy Assessment, which is deducted from the cost.

Step 3: Carry out the works. If you’re happy with the options and price provided by us, you can start your home energy upgrade and we’ll look after all stages of your whole house retrofit, from initial design the whole way through to the management of SEAI grant funding.

For more information, visit the SEAI website:

Grants offered are provided by the Government of Ireland through the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).






Start your journey to a Superhome

Please provide some information on your home and one of our team will be in touch to start planning your retrofit.
