Common Myths About Home Retrofitting Debunked

In recent years, home energy upgrades have gained significant attention in Ireland as homeowners are looking to improve the energy efficiency, comfort and health of their homes. However, along with increased interest came misinformation and myths about retrofitting. Addressing these myths is important for homeowners considering these upgrades to make informed decisions. Let’s together debunk some of the most common myths about home retrofitting in Ireland. 

Myth 1: Retrofitting is Expensive and Not Cost- Effective

One of the main myths about home retrofitting is that it’s always expensive to retrofit a house in Ireland and doesn’t offer a good return on investment. While it can be true that some retrofitting projects are costly to get to a very high standard, there are a lot of houses that do not need a big investment. 

Improving insulation, changing windows and doors and installing a heat pump can all contribute to lower energy usage and reduced maintenance costs over time. 

Additionally, SEAI grants are available to offset some costs, making retrofitting more affordable. 

For more information on retrofitting costs and fees, book a  free  consultation now with our retrofit advisors to explore your retrofitting options.

Myth 2: You will need to move out of your house

Many homeowners can be a bit hesitant to start their retrofit journey due to concerns about having to move out during the works. However, 90% of Electric Ireland Superhomes customers do not move out of their homes during a whole house retrofit. Our contractors plan their work to reduce any impact on the daily activities of homeowners. In a recent case study, one of our customers provided us with incredible feedback about our work: 

“When I was initially going for this home retrofit, I did hear stories that your house would be for four weeks untidy and unliveable. I didn’t find that. The installers tidied up after themselves. They put things back into place. And we were here for the full four weeks.” 

Myth 3: Retrofitting is Only for Older Homes

It’s a common misconception that only older homes benefit from retrofitting. While older properties often have greater room for improvement due to outdated building standards, newer homes can also benefit from retrofitting. Many modern homes may only need one or two energy measures like Solar PV and insulation with a heat pump to get to that A rating and qualify for enhanced grants through the One Stop Shop Programme. 

Myth 4: Retrofitting Only Consists of Adding Insulation

Improving insulation is a fundamental measure of home retrofitting, but it only represents one aspect of a comprehensive approach to enhancing energy efficiency. A whole house approach involves carrying out a number of energy upgrade measures at the same time to achieve a warmer, more comfortable, energy efficient home with a BER rating of between B2 and A1.   

Electric Ireland Superhomes’ retrofit philosophy is based on the view that a home is an interrelated and interdependent energy system. Draughty doors will result in heat loss no matter how efficient your heating; and even in a well-insulated house, some rooms might be cold if the heating system is badly designed. 

For this reason, an Electric Ireland Superhomes home energy upgrade looks at the overall effect of a combination of energy measures, which are designed in such a way that they work together successfully. 

Myth 5: Retrofitting Doesn’t Improve Home Value

Some people believe that investing in retrofitting does not add value to their property. On the contrary, energy-efficient homes are increasingly desirable in the market due to their lower operating costs and reduced environmental impact. 

In a recent study conducted by the SCSI (Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland), 69% of agents said they believed BER ratings are an important or very important influence on the level of offer made on a property.  John O’Sullivan, Chair of the SCSI Practice and Policy Committee said that while they started out initially as a mere footnote on property brochures, they were now front and centre in buyers’ thoughts.  

Home Retrofitting is essential for homeowners in Ireland

Despite these these common myths about home retrofitting, we can confirm that home retrofitting is essential for homeowners in Ireland who are looking to make their home warmer, more comfortable, healthier and energy-efficient.  

For more information on how to get started with home retrofitting, book a free consultation now with our retrofit advisors to explore available grants in Ireland. 

Start your journey to a Superhome

Please provide some information on your home and one of our team will be in touch to start planning your retrofit.
